Am 09. Mai fand das aktuelle ASW Event gehostet von der Schmuck und Accessoires Designerin Yuliya Savytska. Zahlreiche nette Gäste sind zur Netzwerkveranstaltung in die hervorragende Athmosphäre des Nikkei Nine Clubs gekommen. Es war ein sehr angenehmer Abend. Vielen Dank an das Fairmont Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten für die Co-Organisation dieses wundervollen Events!
English: ASW Event by Yuliya Savytska at Nikkei Nine Club Hamburg
On the 9th of May the current ASW event was hosted by jewelery and accessories designer Yuliya Savytska. Numerous nice guests came to the network event in the excellent atmosphere of the Nikkei Nine Club. It was a very pleasant evening. Many thanks to Fairmont Hotel Four Seasons for co-organizing of this wonderful event!