Secret Fashion Show München, Oktober 2014 – Promis, Designer & Highlights

Secret Fashion Show München, Oktober 2014 – Promis, …

Zum zweiten Mal hat die Münchner Mplus Agentur für Kommunikation und Reaktion die Secret Fashion Show organisiert. Noch besser, noch größer, noch spektakulärer und mit noch mehr Prominenten! Und ich als Bloggerin hatte die Ehre dabei zu sein und euch…

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Premium Exhibitions Berlin July 2014 – Impressions

Premium Exhibitions Berlin July 2014 – Impressions

So many things have happened in between that I have not managed to tell you about my impressions at Premium Exhibitions. But now it’s time! )) The international Fashion Trade Fair Premium operates in a high fashion segment and takes…

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Berlin’s Night of Fashion July 2014 – Spectacular

Berlin’s Night of Fashion July 2014 – Spectacular

Since 2009, Berlin’s Night of Fashion (BNOF) is one of the esteemed fashion events during Fashion Week Berlin, organized by the event agency After Network, CEO Peter Schuler. It was a great pleasure for me to be a front row guest…

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Fabryan London at Lavera Showfloor – Couleurs Riches du Luxe

Fabryan London at Lavera Showfloor – Couleurs Riches …

Fabryan London impresses me with its colorful luxury. As I already let you know, I was visiting the Berlin Fashion Week this month. I had the honour to be invited by the head designer Samantha Jane to the Fabryan Fashion…

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Call for Participation: Secret Fashion Show Munich October 2014

Call for Participation: Secret Fashion Show Munich …

Call for Participation: Fashion Designers attention! Secret Fashion Show Munich goes into the second round! From now on you have the opportunity to apply for participation and to present your collection! For each genre there will be only one designer,…

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